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How To Refine Your MSP Target Audiences

Written by Nick Saraev | Jul 19, 2023 10:39:59 PM

Your marketing team can rattle off basic information about your target audiences, right? You might want to go check again. Incredibly, a recent HubSpot survey found that just over 40% of marketers know the basic demographic information of their target audience. This is simple stuff, like name, gender, and location. 


For more complicated things like current pain points, that number drops to under 30%. There is a massive data lag thanks to the significant lifestyle and business changes over the last few years, meaning most companies are having trouble defining their markets. Refining MSP target audiences can be just as challenging. Without warning, routine vertical changes, distributed workforces, and rapid technology adjustments can move prospects from one segment to another. 

So how do we stay ahead of the game and keep our target in the crosshairs?

Constant, vigilant, assesment.  



Understanding MSP Target Audiences

Before you can refine anything, you need to understand it. Building a strong foundation begins with getting a firm grasp on audience segmentation.

When it comes to MSP target audiences, there are various dimensions to consider.

Industry verticals: Knowing which industries your potential clients belong to is crucial. This information allows you to tailor your marketing efforts accordingly, offering industry-specific solutions and insights.

Company sizes: Catering to SMBs or large enterprises requires different strategies and resources. Understand the unique demands of varying company sizes to ensure you can align your offerings effectively.

Geographic regions: Location matters. By identifying the dominant areas of your target audience, you can account for regional trends, culture, language, and legal requirements in your marketing approach.

Technical requirements: MSP clients have a diverse range of technical needs. Determine the ideal clients for your areas of expertise, and focus on prospects with those requirements.

All these (and more) can require drastically different approaches for the entire customer journey. Each segment will need its own policy, from the techniques used for top-of-funnel marketing to customer success strategies after conversion. 

It's time for a reality check—how well-defined and effective are your current audience segments? Ask yourself some simple questions:

Are your segments clearly defined or overly broad? More precise segmentation allows for better targeting and improved marketing results.

Is your messaging resonating with each segment? Evaluate whether your content and marketing efforts properly cater to your target audience's unique needs and preferences.

Are your defined segments in sync with your organization's goals and objectives? Verify that your target audiences match your overall business strategy and that you are not deviating from your core mission.

How quickly can your segmentation strategy adapt to new market trends and evolving customer expectations? Evaluate the level of agility in your current approach and identify potential bottlenecks in the process.

Is your brand identity and messaging consistent across various audience segments? Ensure that your marketing materials not only cater to the unique needs of each segment but also maintain a coherent brand message throughout.

By taking a hard look at your current policies, you can quickly see what areas need improvement (or, worse, an overhaul).



Redefining MSP Target Audience Segments

With your current target audiences assessed, it's time to take on the challenge of refining them. The goal is to create an agile, laser-precise, and effective targeting strategy. Proactive measures to identify gaps and opportunities in your segmentation strategy include:

Conducting market research: This helps you keep up with evolving trends and preferences, identify new niches, and stay competitive in the MSP market.

Analyzing existing customer data: Your current customers can offer valuable insights into your target audience. Examine their behavior, preferences, and feedback to fine-tune your segments.

But more than that, refining target markets is about more than just industries and company sizes; it's about niching down into specific sub-segments and developing detailed customer personas to address the unique needs of each group.

Focusing on a well-defined niche can lead to an increased level of specialization, expertise, and brand authority. By narrowing your focus, you can differentiate your MSP from competitors and increase customer loyalty. Niche customers are looking for experts who understand their specific needs and challenges. 

Targeted solutions will foster long-term relationships and help you carve out a unique value proposition explicitly tailored to your niche audience, setting you apart from the competition.

Detailed and well-crafted customer personas are vital to the success of your niche marketing strategy. By understanding your target customers in-depth, you can tailor your messaging, product offerings, and support services to better meet their needs and expectations.

Conduct Thorough Research
Use surveys, interviews, and market research to gather information on your target customers. Understand their demographics, motivations, and pain points to understand their needs and preferences comprehensively.

Put a Face to Your Personas
Give each persona a name, job title, and even a photo to make them feel more tangible and relatable. This helps to humanize your target audience so you can communicate with them more effectively.

Collaborate with Cross-Functional Teams
Partner with your sales, customer support, and product development teams to gather feedback. This collaboration can lead to valuable insights that enhance your understanding of your customers and boost the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. It also helps your company mature and create a culture of innovation, as empowered team members can provide results quicker. 

Revise and Update
Constantly refining your customer personas is essential to staying ahead of evolving consumer needs and market trends. Regularly revisit and update your personas to ensure your marketing efforts remain relevant and targeted.



Benefits of Refining MSP Target Audiences

If done properly, refinement can bring about several valuable benefits:

Enhanced marketing effectiveness
Increased lead quality and conversion
Improved customer satisfaction and retention
Better resource allocation

But there is a lot more to properly marketing your MSP. Refining your target audience is just the first step. At SherpaDesk, we have endless resources to help you grow your business, including a handy PDF that breaks down the 8 steps to understanding and implementing PSA software for your IT & MSP business. Download a copy today and take your business to the next level!